
From mood to use: Using ecological momentary assessments to examine how anhedonia and depressed mood impact cannabis use in a depressed sample
Evaluating a mobile app’s effects on depression and anxiety in medication-treated opioid use disorder
Anhedonia in flux: Understanding the associations of emotion regulation and anxiety with anhedonia dynamics in a sample with major depressive disorder
The role of borderline personality disorder traits in predicting longitudinal variability of major depressive symptoms among a sample of depressed adults
The trajectories of online mental health information seeking: Modeling search behavior before and after completion of self-report screens
Depressive symptoms as a heterogeneous and constantly evolving dynamical system: Idiographic depressive symptom networks of rapid symptom changes among persons with major depressive disorder.
Predictive modeling of suicidal ideation in patients with epilepsy
Flattening the mental health curve: COVID-19 stay-at-home orders are associated with alterations in mental health search behavior in the United States